Did your baby have clubfoot after a prenatal ultrasound or soon after the birth?
If yes, our specialized doctors provide you the flawless treatment within the first few weeks of your baby’s birth.
We leverage the Ponseti method to treat the clubfoot and correct the position of your baby’s feet. Dr. Ignacio Ponseti developed the Ponseti method for the first time in the 1950s. If you’re worried about any side effects in the future, don’t fret.
In general, after the ponseti method, the babies will not be prone to any physical symptoms or pains because of clubfoot, as it’s already in the early stages of the baby’s life.
Doctors approach invasive practices using casts and braces to correct the leg’s position in this method. Moreover, this method has an over 90% success rate. So, you can easily observe the results within a few weeks after casting.
Weekly Casting
Specialists monitor the child each week for several months. The doctors try to set the position of the feet by stretching the ligaments and tendons. Since the child/s tendons and ligaments are highly flexible and smooth, your child receives the treatment without pain.
Once the foot is stretched, a small piece of plaster is cast over the leg to correct the foot’s shape. Usually, experts replace the cast each week.
This process extends for 8 weeks based on the complexity. If the child’s foot isn’t repositioned within 8 weeks, the process continues for a longer period until the foot is positioned correctly.
Doctors apply the final cast once the feet are positioned in the right way. This process extends up to three weeks.
Percutaneous Achilles Tenotomy
It’s known that about 80% of children require percutaneous Achilles tenotomy even after the application of the final cast. This process assures the healthier and proper foot growth of the child.
This treatment will be performed in the hospital and hardly takes a few minutes. In this treatment, doctors give anesthesia and cut the Achilles tendon(The composition of inflexible fibers that prevent the feet’ appropriate positioning).
A few children experience inconvenience in this treatment. In such cases, doctors recommend acetaminophen treatment.
Dynamic Foot Braces
This is one of the most crucial parts of the treatment. Doctors leverage an advanced foot brace to correct the foot position. The child should use braces for three to four months every day. However, it can be removed during meals and baths.
During this stage, you should make an appointment every couple of weeks to monitor the progress.
The Appropriate Therapy For Older Children
The clubfoot is diagnosed and treated in the early stages of the child’s birth. Experts start the treatment during prenatal ultrasound exams or after the baby’s birth.
In general, children develop clubfoot as they grow older because of spina bifida, arthrogryposis, and other syndromes affecting the children’s muscles.
If the clubfoot isn’t treated in the earlier stages of life, it results in severe complications and causes bone and tendon abnormalities.
Our specialized physicians suggest clubfoot treatment for children of all ages. The weekly treatment sessions, percutaneous Achilles tenotomy, and bracing procedures help your child to recover quickly.
Contact us right now to know more about the treatment and other details.