
Clubfoot is a term that refers to a variety of foot deformities that are typically present at birth (congenital) and cause your baby’s foot to be twisted out of shape or position. Clubfoot is characterized by shortened tendons linking the muscles to the bone. Clubfoot is a very common congenital abnormality that occurs infrequently in otherwise healthy newborns.

Depending on the severity of the ailment, clubfoot can be minor or severe. Approximately half of the children who have clubfoot do so on both feet. Because clubfoot makes it more difficult for your child to walk normally, doctors generally recommend treating it shortly after delivery.

Doctors can usually successfully treat clubfoot without surgery, while some children may require follow-up treatment.

If your child has clubfoot, the following may occur:
  1. Typically, the top of the foot is twisted downward and inward, raising the arch and inward-turning the heel.
  2. The foot may be twisted so far that it appears to be upside down.
  3. The affected foot or leg may be slightly shorter.
  4. Typically, the calf muscles of the affected leg are underdeveloped.
Despite its appearance, clubfoot does not cause discomfort or pain.

Stretching and casting – Ponseti technique 

Treatment should begin immediately following birth to ensure a successful outcome without the need for surgery. In recent years, increasing success has been achieved in correcting clubfeet without surgery. This was accomplished through the use of a particular method of stretching and casting known as the Ponseti method. Each year, this procedure is used to cure around one hundred feet of TEV at COC.
Treatment should begin within the first one to two weeks of life to achieve the best outcome. When performed by a trained professional (pediatric orthopedic surgeon), this method has a success rate of greater than 95%. The doctor modifies the cast once a week for several weeks using this procedure, always lengthening the foot toward the proper position. After releasing the heel cord with a simple stitchless procedure, the final cast for three weeks is applied. Once the foot is repaired, the infant must wear a brace for the first four years, initially during the day and subsequently at night, to maintain the adjustment.
This has been extremely effective, but it does require parental involvement in daily care by applying the braces. Without parental involvement, the clubfoot is almost certain to recur. This is because the muscles surrounding the foot are capable of repositioning it in an abnormal position. The objective of this treatment, like other treatments, is to make the newborn foot of the club (or feet) functional, painless, stable when he or she is ready to walk.
(Note: Whenever your child is wearing a cast, keep an eye out for changes in skin color or warmth that could signal circulation difficulties.)
Due to the appearance of clubfoot, your doctor is more than likely to notice it shortly after your child is born. Your physician can counsel you on the most appropriate course of action or refer you to a physician who specializes in bone and muscle disorders (pediatric orthopedist).
Boys develop clubfoot twice as often as girls do. Risk factors: ● Family history. If either one of the parents or other kids had a foot on the club, the infant will also have it more likely. ● Congenital. In rare circumstances, clubfeet can be connected with other skeletal abnormalities that are present at birth (congenital) such as spina bifida, a birth defect that develops or closes the spinal cord and spinal cord. ● Environment. Pregnancy smoking might greatly raise the clubfoot risk of the infant. ● Not sufficient amniotic fluid in pregnancy. Too little of the fluid in the womb of the infant can raise clubfoot risk.
Typically, Clubfoot does not cause problems until your child begins to stand and walk. If the foot of the club is treated, your child will probably be very typical. He or she might have some trouble with: Movement. The foot affected can be somewhat less flexible. Leg length. The affected leg may be somewhat shorter but does not often cause serious mobility issues. Shoe size. The foot affected can be up to 1 1/2 shoes smaller than the foot that was not affected.
  • Calf size. The calf’s muscles on the affected side can always be smaller than on the other side.
If not treated, however, clubfoot produces more severe issues. These could include:
  • Your child will probably acquire arthritis.
  • Poor self-image. The unique appearance of your foot may make the body image of your youngster a problem over the teen years.
  • Impossibility of walking normally. The ankle twist may not allow your youngster to walk on the foot sole. To compensate, he or she can walk on the football, outside of the foot, or, in severe circumstances, on top of the foot.
Problems caused by walking adaptations. Walking changes can inhibit the veal’s natural growth, lead to huge ulcers or calluses on the foot, and lead to an unnatural gait.
Because doctors don’t know what causes clubfoot, you can’t completely prevent it. However, if you’re pregnant, you can do things to limit your baby’s risk of birth defects, such as: • Not smoking or spending time in smoky environments • Not drinking alcohol • Avoiding drugs not approved by your doctor