Acquired Deformity

Injuries, infections, arthritis, and tumors can all cause a change in the typical size or shape of a body part.

Acquired abnormalities appear after birth and are not congenital. Muscle paralysis and imbalance, bone abnormalities, or a combination of the two are the most common causes of these conditions. Muscle imbalance develops as a result of the weakening or paralysis of one muscle group and the normal or hyperactive contractility of opposing muscle groups, depending on the severity of the myelomeningocele.

A deformity is any type of disfigurement or distortion that causes a part of the body to be of a different size or shape than it would be in its natural state. Deformities can be classified as follows:

● congenital: present at birth;

● developmental: manifesting itself later in life.

● acquired: resulting from injuries or illnesses that did not exist at the time of birth.

Misaligned bones, osteoarthritis (a disease that causes joint degeneration), and illnesses such as cancer and thyroid disease can cause the formation of tumors, goiters, or other lumps. Some defects acquired may be obvious, while many cannot be seen. Non-Visible symptoms depend on the origin of the deformity and include pain, lower movement range, and loss of body function. The treatment of a deformity acquired relies on the reason. Drugs may be used to treat infections or disorders and operations may be performed for bone realignment or tumor removal. The abnormalities acquired can be as basic as the bulge that forms around a shattered bone. In many cases, the deformity is innocuous and no treatment is necessary. If medical or aesthetic therapy is required, the performance is generally corrected satisfactorily even if the underlying problem requires further treatment.