Acquired Deformity
Injuries, infections, arthritis, and tumors can all cause a change in the typical size or shape of a body part.
Acquired abnormalities appear after birth and are not congenital. Muscle paralysis and imbalance, bone abnormalities, or a combination of the two are the most common causes of these conditions. Muscle imbalance develops as a result of the weakening or paralysis of one muscle group and the normal or hyperactive contractility of opposing muscle groups, depending on the severity of the myelomeningocele.
A deformity is any type of disfigurement or distortion that causes a part of the body to be of a different size or shape than it would be in its natural state. Deformities can be classified as follows:
● congenital: present at birth;
● developmental: manifesting itself later in life.
● acquired: resulting from injuries or illnesses that did not exist at the time of birth.