Tendons are muscular, rope-like tissues comprising collagen protein. They link your muscles to your bones. Tendinopathy, also termed tendinosis, cites the breakdown of collagen in a tendon. This results in a burning pain in addition to decreased flexibility and range of motion
While tendinopathy can impact any tendon, it’s more popular in the:
• Achilles tendon
• Rotator cuff tendons
• Patellar tendon
• Tendons
Continue reading to learn more about tendinopathy, as well as how it differs from tendinitis and how it's treated.
The terms tendinopathy and tendonitis are often used interchangeably. Although the two have nearly identical symptoms, they’re different conditions.
Tendinopathy is a degeneration of the collagen protein that creates the tendon. Tendonitis, on the other hand, is simply the inflammation of the tendon.
While tendinitis is more commonly known, scientists believe that tendinopathy is actually more common. It's just that it's not as well-known or diagnosed as tendinitis.
Both tendinopathy and tendonitis are frequently caused by overuse of or sudden stress on a tendon. Aging and deficiency of muscle tone can also maneuver a role in the development of tendinopathy.
Doctors antecedently thought that tendinopathy was an ultimate result of tendonitis. Many people now feel that tendonitis is the final outcome of tendinopathy, rather than the other way around, after looking at samples of wounded tendons under a microscope.
Changes in typical therapeutic approaches have resulted from this relatively fresh understanding of the underlying causes and course of tendinopathy.
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Doctors frequently discuss with people to take over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), like ibuprofen (Advil) for tendinopathy. They used to believe that tendon inflammation played a significant role in the development of tendinopathy.
Other anti-inflammatories that are used to treat tendinopathy comprise:
- Diclofenac (Voltaren, Zipsor), a prescription-only NSAID
- Injections of corticosteroids, such as triamcinolone acetonide (Volon A) But now that doctors have a better understanding of the association between inflammation and tendinopathy, few clinicians are questioning this therapy approach.
While NSAIDs and corticosteroids aren’t being used a great deal to treat tendinopathy, there are a plethora of other options. Most people consider that an alliance of home treatment and physical therapy works best. But if you have a more hard case, you may need surgery.
- Home treatment
- Rest - Try to stay off the impacted body part as much as you can.
- Ice - Cover an ice pack in a light towel and hold it to the affected area for 20 minutes. You can do this nearly eight times a day.
- Compress - Cover the area in an elastic bandage, ensuring it’s not too tight.
- Elevate - Keep the impacted area raised on a pillow or other device. This can assist in reducing any swelling.
- Physical therapy
- Deep transverse friction massage, a sort of connective tissue massage that can assist in stimulating cell activity and create new collagen fibers.
- Eccentric exercises, which force your muscles to lengthen while they contract, instead of shortening.
Your doctor may recommend tendon repair surgery if you have severe tendinopathy that hasn't responded to prior treatments. They’ll in all likelihood suggest you do some physical therapy at the time of the recovery process, which can take up to 12 weeks. Learn more about tendon repair surgery, comprising it’s done, and the possible risks.
While tendinopathy can be very agonizing, various things can help to pull off the pain. For numerous people, an aggregation of home treatment and physical therapy offers relief. However, if your symptoms aren't improving, tendon repair surgery can be necessary.