
Dislocation is an injury to the joint, that is, the point where two or more bones meet, and the end of the bone is tightened from the normal position. This painful injury will temporarily deform and fix your joints.

Dislocations are most common in the shoulders and fingers. Other parts include the elbows, knees, and hips. If you suspect a dislocation, seek medical attention in time to restore your bones to the correct position.

 If properly treated, most dislocations will return to normal function after weeks of rest and recovery. Nevertheless, some joints, such as your shoulder, may have an augmented risk of repeat dislocation.


A dislocated joint can be:

  • Visibly ill-shapen or out of place

  • Bloated or discolored

  • Highly strung& painful

  • Immobile

When to see a doctor

It can be challenging to tell a broken bone from a dislocated bone. For either kind of injury, acquire medical help right away. If manageable, ice the joint and keep it stable while you’re waiting to be seen.


Dislocations can occur in contact sports, such as soccer and hockey, and in sports where falls are common, such as downhill skiing, gymnastics, and volleyball. Basketball players and football players also usually dislocate joints in their fingers and hands by circumstantially striking the ball, the ground, or another player.

A hard blow to a joint at the time of a motor vehicle accident and landing on an extended arm during a slip are other common causes.

Risk factors

Risk factors for a joint dislocation comprise:

Inclination to falls. Falling raises your possibilities of a dislocated joint if you use your arms to brace for impact or if you land forcefully on a body part, for instance, your hip or shoulder.

  •  Heredity – Some people are born with connective tissue that is looser and more inclined to injury than those of other people.

  • Sports participation – Gymnastics, wrestling, basketball, and football are all examples of high-impact or contact sports that result in dislocations.

  • Motor vehicle accidents – These are the most popular cause of hip dislocations, particularly for people not wearing a seat belt.


Complications of a joint dislocation can consist of:

  • Tearing of the muscles, ligaments, and tendons that strengthen the injured joint

  • Nerve or blood vessel impairment in or about your joint

  • Susceptibleness to reinjury if you have a severe dislocation or continual dislocations

  • Development of arthritis in the stricken joint as you age

  • Enlargement or tearing of ligaments or tendons that assist your injured joint or harm to nerves or blood vessels encompassing the joint might call for surgery to repair these tissues.


To aid in preventing a dislocation:

  • Take cautiousness to avoid falls. Make it a habit to have your eyes tested on a regular basis. Inquire your doctor or pharmacist if any of the drugs you consume may make you dizzy. Ensure your home is well-lighted and that you take away any potential tripping hazards from the areas where you walk.

  • Play safely. Put on the recommended protective gear when you play contact sports.

  • Prevent recurrence. Once you’ve dislocated a joint, you may be more amenable to future dislocations. To avoid repetition, do strength and stability exercises as suggested by your doctor or physical therapist to strengthen joint support.